
This was a very good example of ensemble playing focused around Saucy Jack and his night club which appeared to be populated by social misfits.  "Each character was carefully defined and expanded as the show progressed"

"This whole production was very well directed with good use of the space and excellent interaction between the players. It was an ambitious project which worked spectacularly thanks to the hard work of both cast and technical personnel, I imagine that on first reading it appeared to be a technical nightmare - but your crew obviously rose to the challenge."

"The costumes were very imaginative and I congratulate the wardrobe mistress and her assistants for all their efforts with what must have been a challenging task! I thought that the costumes also helped to define the character of the person wearing them"

"Your choreographer had worked overtime getting it right and drilling the cast and this certainly paid dividends - the dancing for Fetish Number from Nowhere was very good."

Noda, http://www.noda.org.uk