This comedy, yet another in a long line of successes from author Ray Cooney, is the sequel to the hilarious farce "Run For Your Wife" which enjoyed a much-enjoyed run with the Concorde Players in 2004. Those who missed "Run For Your Wife" needn't worry for knowledge of it was necessary to enjoy this sequel, which was complete within itself - and even more hilarious.
The starting premise is the same for both shows: John Smith, taxi driver, has a happy life with his wife, Mary in Wimbledon. He has also has a happy life his wife Barbara in nearby Streatham. Well yes, he's a bigamist!
However, rather than his secret being uncovered as it was in "Run For Your Wife", "Caught In The Net" proposes a different scenario in which John has got away with his double life for for 18 years!
Unfortunately, his cover is in danger of being blown when John and Mary's teenage son, Gavin, and John and Barbara's teenage daughter, Vicki, accidentally log onto each other in an internet chat room. The pair start to fall for each other, and when to their amazement they discover that their fathers appear to have rather a lot in common, they've just got to meet.
The show followed John's desperate attempts to prevent his son and daughter meeting and thus uncovering his secret double life, with, needless to say, hilarious consequences. He is helped, or should that be hindered, by his lodger and friend, Stanley. The arrival of Stanley's hard of hearing and hard of understanding father, just adds to the confusion, as the web of lies and deceit spirals hysterically out of control.