The show follows the adventures of Aladdin, a nice if naïve guy who is always getting into scrapes with his best friend Wishee Washee, who works in the laundry of his mother, the temperamental, money grabbing, man-mad Widow Twankee.
Aladdin is secretly in love with the beautiful Princess Lotus Blossom but being poor stands little chance, especially if her mother, the domineering Empress has anything to do with it.
So when a mysterious, charming, wealthy stranger called Abanazer appears and claims to be Aladdin’s uncle, Aladdin thinks his luck may be changing.
Eager to please he gladly assists Abanazer in retrieving an old lamp from a cave – only to find himself trapped inside by the evil Abanazer.
Will Aladdin escape from the cave? Where did those genies appear from? Will Aladdin and Lotus Blossom be reunited? Will Abanazer get his come-uppance? Well, of course they will - this is panto after all - but you’ll have to be there to find out how.
In keeping with panto tradition, the show promises the usual singing, dancing, mirth, merriment, antics, cross dressing, thigh slapping and audience participation. Oh yes it does! So it's the perfect way to cure those post-festive/winter blues.