2010 Senior Moments

  • 2010-SM-I-01
  • 2010-SM-P1

The three short plays, which will all be stage during the same performance, are respectively, moving, witty and hilarious.

The Train, by Carl Slotboom, two railway carriages are shown simultaneously. An elderly Jewish couple, David and Clara sit in the modern train whilst their younger selves are seen in a converted cattle wagon in the 1940s. The modern train has halted unexpectedly and the enforced wait sends David's thoughts back to that earlier train, also stationary, and the war memories it evokes. This haunting, compelling story highlights how much things have changed since the war, or have they?

Say Something Happened, by Alan Bennett, an eager but naive and inexperienced social worker, June, calls on an elderly couple as part of a Local Authority initiative to register OAPs they think may be at risk. However, the couple, being both sound of body and mind have no intention of being registered. Differences in attitudes between the generations surface as they talk at cross purposes. But are the couple really as self sufficient as they'd like to think they are? And is June more in need of help than they are? The resulting conversation, in classic, witty, wry Bennett style, is both entertaining and yet thought provoking.

Dinner For One, by Lauri Wylie, is little known in the UK but has achieved almost iconic status in Germany where it is shown on television every New Year's Eve. It focuses on an eccentric, elderly lady Miss Sophie and her manservant James, who relive the annual dinner parties they held for many years. The problem is that all of the actual guests have died and the manservant is required to take their parts, particularly in drinking the toasts! The resulting hilarious antics of the manservant are easy to anticipate. But how does an animal skin feature? And what happens at the end of the meal?

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